The marks of hierarchization and stratification by virtue of gender are present in all processes of social life. It has become natural to assign to each of the genders specific rights, functions, roles and social places; the generification of attributions crosses generations and there are still obstacles to the acceptance of competences outside historically constituted thresholds. Gender and housing are closely related issues in Latin America, a statement corroborated by the fact that social housing movements have a significant number of women participants. In these collective actions, the feminine protagonism is recurrent, however, the granting of these rights, besides being a result of public housing policies, has passed through the appreciation of the legal courts. The judicialisation of demands for the consolidation of social rights has been increasingly frequent, and in view of this, we seek to understand how judicial decisions on housing address gender issues. The right to housing, gender equality, the insertion in social movements and the access to justice have been themes of a transversal challenge, therefore, the purpose is to analyse how the justice system deals with housing cases claimed by social movements, having as research circumscription the female presence, observing the recommendations of the Public Prosecutor's Office and the final decisions of the Judiciary Power in the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo, capital district, first and second instance, in claims involving social movements for urban housing, between 2010 and 2020. The documents (recommendations and court decisions), as state technology, will be analysed by their content, highlighting the way in which the members of the social movements are described and referenced, the purpose of the object of the legal dispute and their spatial location. Words are not neutral, they carry a political and social sense; even though the legal decisions use a technical and formal language, the choice of terms and descriptors reveal the sociopolitical meaning of the interpretation of the norms. For this, as a research method it will be performed a documentary and content analysis of the recommendations and court decisions. The hypothesis raised is that the justice system is attentive to the formation of urban housing collectives, composed mostly by women, formulating recommendations and rendering decisions with equity, correcting through access to justice gender inequalities; materializing the understanding of social transformations. The subject under investigation may give rise to other studies and have repercussions in other areas of research, enabling the extension of the analysis. KEY WORDS: Gender. Urban Housing Movements. Justice System. Court of Justice of São Paulo. Right to Housing.