Aceh Province's main export is lobster. This commodity commands a high economic price in Simeulue Regency, which boasts exceptional commodities in the fisheries industry, particularly lobster. The purpose of this study is to describe the composition of the catch and the productivity of the catch of six different varieties of lobster in the Simeulue water. The research methods employed include field surveys to collect data directly from fishermen. The study was carried out in Simeulue waters in numerous areas in 2023, including Busung, Kampung Air, Teupah Selatan, and Alafan. The types of samples taken were six species consisting of Panulirus homarus, P. longipes, P. penicillatus, P. versicolor, P. ornatus and P. polyphagus. The research results showed that the catch comprised lobster species such as Panulirus homarus, P. longipes, P. penicillatus, P. versicolor, P. ornatus, and P. polyphagus. The catch composition was dominated by Panulirus penicillatus (44%) and P. versicolor (23%). The length and weight growth of the six varieties of lobster is allometric, which is vital for sustainable fisheries management. The research findings also show oscillations in the supply of Simeulue lobster shipments, with peak delivery in 2022 (246,157 ind) and a fall in 2023 (57,654 ind). It is critical to underline the need for sustainable management in maintaining a balance between usage and conservation of fishing resources.