Abstrak: Setiap dosen tentu perlu memahami bagaiman cara mengisi beban kerja dosen (BKD) karena akan dilaporkan secara berkala. Dengan demikian setiap dosen mempunyai kewajiban untuk menyusun laporan atas semua tugas dan tanggungjawanya selama satu semester. Sebelum memhamai bagaimana proses pengisiannya, maka setiap dosen wajib paham mengenai beban kerja dosen. Beban kerja dosen (BKD) memakai istilah satuan kredit semester, dimana jumlah SKS telah ditentukan oleh Dirjen Dikti dan kemudian dipahami oleh dosen yang bersangkutan. Sehingga adanya batas maksimal ini akan mencegah resiko adanya peningkatan beban kerja melebihi kapasitas dan ketentuan, maka tim pengabdian (PKM) melaksanakan pelatihan cara pengisian beban kerja dosen dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan dosen dalam mengisi beban kerja dosen agar bisa bekerja terukur, terstruktur, dan mampu melaksanakan pelaporan sesuai ketentuan. Metode pelaksanaan yaitu pelatihan serta praktek pengisian beban kerja dosen dengan mitra yaitu dosen program studi Ekonomi Pembangunan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar sebanyak 12 orang dengan evaluasi melalui praktek langsung dalam pengisian beban kerja dosen. Hasil yang telah dicapai oleh peserta (dosen) setelah mengikuti kegiatan ini adalah 100% telah paham dan mampu mengisi beban kerja dosen (BKD) pada tiap semester .Abstract: Every lecturer certainly needs to understand how to fill the lecturer's workload (BKD) because it will be reported regularly. Thus, each lecturer has the obligation to compile a report on all his duties and responsibilities for one semester. Before understanding how the filling process is, every lecturer must understand the lecturer's workload. Lecturer workload (BKD) uses the term semester credit unit, where the number of credits has been determined by the Director General of Higher Education and then understood by the lecturer concerned. So that the existence of this maximum limit will prevent the risk of an increase in the workload exceeding the capacity and provisions, the service team (PKM) carries out training on how to fill lecturers' workloads with the aim of increasing lecturers' understanding and ability in filling lecturers' workloads so that they can work measurably, structured, and efficiently. and able to carry out reporting in accordance with the provisions. The method of implementation is training and practice of filling the workload of lecturers with partners, namely lecturers of the Development Economics study program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Makassar as many as 12 people with evaluation through direct practice in filling lecturer workloads. The results that have been achieved by participants (lecturers) after participating in this activity are 100% have understood and are able to fill the workload of lecturers (BKD) in each semester.