A fire hazard is one of the potential hazards of Occupational Safety and Health or K3 in buildings. In high-rise buildings, escape routes are few and limited, necessitating the implementation of effective, efficient, and integrated fire prevention measures. The purpose of this study is to determine the completeness of safety building facilities, to identify and analyze the feasibility of safety building facility function, and to design efforts to optimize the functional safety building facilities in the C6 FIK UM building. This descriptive qualitative research was conducted in the C6 FIK UM building using the method of observation and document review. Building fire safety inspection observation guidelines (Pd-T-11-2005-C) are used to measure the reliability value of building safety systems (NKSKB), and John Stephenson Associates Fire Training Consultants observation guidelines are used to measure the level of risk and priority of action. The findings of the research and assessment of the NKSKB of the FIK UM building received a score of 89.76 percent and were classified as good. The FIK UM building has a low to moderate risk level, and the priority actions that must be taken are engineering and administrative arrangements. The FIK UM building falls into the good category and can be considered reliable in fire prevention efforts; however, it must be tested, inspected, recorded, and repaired regulary.