I received my BE (Bachelor of Engineering) in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering at Mumbai University, India. I subsequently spent 5 years working at an IT firm, a digital audio research lab, and an audio startup. In 2018, I moved to Denmark to pursue the Sound and Music Computing master degree at Aalborg University, Copenhagen. Upon graduating in 2020, I started work as a research assistant at CREATE -Copenhagen, and was hired as a PhD fellow from January 2021. My research interests encompass the use of digital audio technology in the motor rehabilitation sector, for example as a tool for real-time biomechanical biofeedback or auditory guidance. I am also interested in music perception and cognition research. During the PhD project, I have served as co-teacher and teaching assistant on several courses including Music Perception and Cognition, Embodied Interaction (master level), and Design and Analysis of Experiments (bachelor level). In addition, I have supervised several semester projects at the bachelor and master level while being affiliated with the Augmented Cognition lab (CREATE -Copenhagen) and the Neurorehabilitation Systems group (De-