Diffables are minorities wherever they are. Every country has its own problems regarding the existence of people with diffabilities. Many then the rules made by the state government in overcoming the problems of people with diffabilities are marginalized and deteriorated due to lack of accessibility and special attention from all aspects. Then demands emerged and special people's calls for those with diffabilities who wished to equalize the rights of persons with diffabilities as part of the general public who lived side by side with humans who were born normal in general. The main problem for people with diffabilities is employment, both in terms of the right to work, occupational safety and health issues for people with diffabilities, the protection of people with diffabilities, and the limitations of people with diffabilities that are far from accessibility, especially in terms of employment. In Yogyakarta, with a high number of diffability, it is also still hampered by the distribution of diffable workers, where their involvement is still very minimal, both private and governmental. There is a community formed to accommodate diffable, especially physical diffabilities. This community is a place of empowerment for people with diffabilities, not only for physical diffability, but also facilitating people with diffabilities with a variety of vulnerabilities. This study uses qualitative research methods with a case study approach. This study uses case studies because it studies deeply into a phenomenon that exists in a particular society. There is a minority group of people with diffabilities who are able to create a place and are able to elevate their existence through a community that is engaged in diffability services, and only one in Yogyakarta. A transportation service whose culprit is all people with diffabilities. This study aims to explore this phenomenon into a qualitative study using a case study approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation and interviews, and using source triangulation as data validity. The data analysis technique used is interactive data analysis techniques from Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the physical diffability community in Yogyakarta was formed as a form of resistance to the negative stigma of people with diffabilities. A negative stigma that has created a gap between diffables and the social world, public access, even in the world of work. This community moves by utilizing technology and media. The creation of vehicles that are accessible to physical diffability as well as a means of livelihood, as well as the creation of online applications that are used to accommodate programs and products that are worth