Two cascaded semi-circular mushroom resonators (ScMRs) loaded to a circular substrate integrated waveguide (CSIW) is used to implement a triple-band bandpass filter of compact size and high selectivity with six transmission zeros (TZs). The ScMRs are coupled to each other along the linear edges of the metal patches and are loaded to the CSIW cavity. A distinctive modification in the schematic and the orientation of the loaded mushroom resonators is carried out along with the introduction of radial coupling slots into the CSIW cavity to generate the three passbands. The TM 101 mode is responsible for the generation of first passband. The second and third passbands are formed due to the split odd and even modes of next higher order mode (TM 201 ). An extracted pole is formed within the second passband that splits TM 201 mode into odd and even modes. TM 201 odd mode (TM 201odd ) and TM 201 even mode (TM 201even ) are responsible for the generation of second and third passbands, respectively. Here, source-load coupling is employed within the proposed resonator to generate one TZ each at the lower stopband and upper stopband. Two cross-couplings of different modes between two loaded ScMRs are introduced to generate four transmission zeros (TZs) additionally to achieve high selectivity. The triple bandpass filter covering a compact volume of 0.0011 λg 3 is fabricated and measured to validate the filter structure. The measured result agrees decently with the simulated one where the passband center frequencies (CFs) of first, second, and third passbands are measured at 1.9, 3.5, and 4.4 GHz with measured insertion losses of 1.5, 1.87, and 1.8 dB, respectively.