We describe the magnetization reversal processes in multilayer elongated Ni 80 Fe 20 (10 nm) Au( = 0 to 20 nm) Co(20 nm) Si( 001) nanorings. For a field applied in-plane along the long axis, the hysteresis loops display a two-step switching for both = 0 nm and 2 nm, and a three-step switching for = 10 nm and 20 nm. Onion-to-vortex and vortex-to-reverse onion state transitions occur for a thin Au spacer due to strong exchange coupling between the layers. For a thick Au spacer layer, the Ni 80 Fe 20 layer switches first, then a two-step reversal of the Co, correlated with domain motion in the Ni 80 Fe 20 , occurs without the formation of vortex states as a result of magnetostatic interactions. There is a good agreement between the experimental results and micromagnetic simulations. Index Terms-Co Au Ni 80 Fe 20 , elongated nanorings, exchange coupling, MOKE.