Recent experiments on the wetting of 4 He have shown that the film becomes thinner at the λ transition, and in the superfluid phase. The difference in thickness above and below the transition has been attributed to a Casimir interaction which is a consequence of a broken continuous symmetry in the bulk superfluid. However, the observed thinning of the film is larger than can be accounted by this Casimir force. We show that surface fluctuations give rise to an additional force, similar in form but larger in magnitude, which may explain the observations. PACS numbers: 46.32.+x, 82.35.Rs, 87.15.La, 85.35.Kt, 07.10.Cm Quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field between two conducting plates in vacuum result in longranged attractive interactions. This effect which has only recently experimentally verified by a series of high precision measurements[1], was first predicted by Casimir in 1948 [2]. Thirty years later, Fisher and de Gennes noted that the confinement of thermal fluctuations in fluids leads to similar long-ranged forces [3]. Quite generally, geometric restrictions on a fluctuating field constrain the normal modes of fluctuations and result in fluctuation-induced or Casimir forces. These forces are controlled by correlations in the fluid; when the correlations are long-ranged, corresponding to massless fields, Casimir forces decay with distance as a simple power law [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. The overall strength of a Casimir interaction is typically universal. That is, it depends on symmetries of the fluctuating field, and on boundary conditions, but not on microscopic details.An important example of a Casimir force associated with thermal fluctuations in a condensed matter system is found in 4 He films at and near the superfluid phase transition [12]. The finite thickness, d, of the film constrains the fluctuations of the superfluid order parameter, which then mediate a Casimir force. Experimental demonstration of this force was reported recently by Garcia and Chan[12] (GC). To produce films of various thicknesses, a stack of copper electrodes were suspended at different heights above bulk liquid helium. The thickness of the wetting layer on each electrode as a function of temperature was monitored to gauge the strength of interactions with the substrate. Figure 1 shows the change in the film thickness ∆d = d−d 0 , as a function of reduced temperature t = T − T λ , near the superfluid transition point for the capacitor labeled "Cap 1" in Ref. [12]. The quantity d 0 is the thickness of the film well above the λ-point. As shown in the figure, there is a perceptible decrease in the thickness of the film at the transition point t = 0, followed by a substantial drop below the transition. The thinning of the film for t ≥ 0 quantitatively confirms the theoretical predictions of attractive Casimir