Summary: The myofibers of the skeletal muscle vary in length in muscle and from muscle to muscle. Information about myofiber length and myofiber arrangement is necessary to understand the architecture of muscles and differences in myofiber length in muscles. The purpose of the present study was to determine myofiber lengths, ratio of myofiber length to muscle length, and myofiber arrangement of the antebrachial and leg muscles in the sheep. The myofibers of the antebrachial muscles ranged from 7.3 mm (m. extensor carpi ulneris, bipennate muscle) to 39.6 mm (m. flexor digitorum profundus caput radiale, unipennate muscle) in length. The myofibers of the leg muscles ranged from 10.0 mm (m. flexor digitorum superficialis, multipennate muscle) to 119.2 mm (m. soleus, fusiform muscle) in length. The ratio of myofiber length to muscle length in the fusiform muscle was higher than that in the uni-, bi-, and multipennate muscles. The unipennate muscles tended to have a higher ratio of myofibers length to muscle length than did the bi-and multipennate muscles. No difference in the ratio of myofiber length to muscle length existed between the bipennate muscles and multipennate muscles.The myofibers of the skeletal muscle extend across the entire length of muscle or are shorter than the muscle length. In the human, the myofibers of the m. sartorius range from 1.5 to 30 cm in length, whereas the myofiber lengths of the m. biceps femoris, m. semimembranosus, and m. semitendinosus range from 6 to 11 cm (Barrett, 1962). The myofibers vary in length in muscle and from muscle to muscle.The myofiber length of the distal portion of the m. extensor carpi radialis of the horse is 3.1 cm and of the proximal portion 9.2 cm (Hermanson, 1997). The myofiber lengths of the muscle belly of the digit II, digit III, digit IV, and digit V in the m. extensor digitorum longus of the mouse are about 0.5, 0.5, 0.55, and 0.6 cm, respectively (Chleboun et al., 1997).The elbow extensor muscles of the monkey tend to have shorter myofibers (3.05-4.08 cm) than do the elbow flexor muscles (3.20-6.65 cm) (Roy et al., 1984). The knee extensor muscles of the cat tend to have shorter myofibers (1.92-2.73 cm) than do the knee flexor muscles (2.12-8.45 cm) (Sacks & Roy, 1982). The myofibers of muscle of horse (Hermanson, 1997), mouse (Chleboun et aL, 1997), monkey (Roy et al. , 1984), and cat (Sacks & Roy, 1982) are shorter than the muscle length. The facts imply that the variation in ratio of myofiber length to muscle length is related with the myofiber arrangement.Information about myofiber length and myofiber arrangement is necessary to understand the relation between the architecture of muscles and myofiber length. The purpose of the present study was to determine myofiber lengths, ratio of myofiber length to muscle length, and myofiber arrangement of the antebrachial and leg muscles and to examine correlation between ratio of myofiber length to muscle length and myofiber arrangement in the sheep.
Materials and MethodsSix adult sheep were used in this stu...