ABSTRACT. It was shown by the author and R. Halaš that every effect algebra can be organized into a conditionally residuated structure. Skew effect algebras were introduced as a non-associative modification of effect algebras. Hence, there is natural question if a similar characterization by a certain residuated structure is possible. For this we use the so-called skew residuated structure introduced recently by the author and J. Krňávek. It is shown that this is really a suitable tool for the representation. , and they form a useful tool for description of the domain of probabilities and of observables in the logic of quantum mechanics. Effect algebras form an important tool also for investigations of time dimension of quantum events as it was described in [5]. A certain modification of an effect algebra which does not demand associativity of addition was introduced by the author and H. Länger in [7] under the name skew effect algebra. The motivation for these algebras was justified by the fact that skew effect algebras are closely related to a non-associative fuzzy logic introduced by M. Botur and R. Halaš in [3]. This non-associative fuzzy logic has its algebraic counterpart in the variety of commutative basic algebras, see [1], [2] for details.Recently, it was shown by the author and R. Halaš in [4] that effect algebras can be represented by the so-called conditionally residuated structures. There is 2010 M a t h e m a t i c s S u b j e c t C l a s s i f i c a t i o n: Primary 03G12, 03G25, 06F99. K e y w o r d s: residuated structure, skew residuated structure, effect algebra, skew effect algebra.