The 1 H and 13 C NMR spectra of the glabretal derivatives, 21,24-epoxy-3a, 7a, 21,23-tetraacetoxy-25-hydroxy4a,4b,8b-trimethyl-14,18-cyclo-5a, 13a, 14a, 17a-cholestane and 21,23-epoxy-3a, 7a,21,24,25-pentaacetoxy4a, 4b, 8b-trimethyl-14,18-cyclo-5a, 13a, 14a, 17a-cholestane, obtained from an acetylated fraction of extracts of Guarea jamaicensis, were completely assigned. 1D NMR and a number of 2D shift correlated NMR exper-