four in the United States of America and one in Germany. Programs conducted in the articles were formed based on Piaget's cognitive development theory, Health Belief Model, and Social Learning Theory. In the programs, behaviors of children were observed at kindergartens and information and attitudes of kindergarten administrators, sun protection applications, facilities/obstacles/policies of school, sun protection behaviors of children from the perspective of parents, sun protection behaviors of teachers and parents for children and psychosocial variables were evaluated. Conclusion: The intervention was observed to be efficient in four out of these five researches included in the study. Due to the importance of sun exposure in childhood, the early development of sun protection awareness is extremely important. It is thought that this systematic review will prepare a basis for future studies by drawing attention to effective models in sun protection education for children. Keywords: Skin neoplasms, sun protection factor, child, preschool, review
Anaokulu öğrencilerinde güneşten korunma davranışlarının geliştirilmesi:Sistematik derlemeDevelopment of sun protection behaviors in preschoolers: A systematic review