This study investigated vascular and especially lymphovascular invasion in primary Merkel cell carcinoma and its value as a prognostic factor. Paraffin-embedded blocks prepared from tumor samples obtained from126 patients diagnosed with Merkel cell carcinoma in 1979-2004 were immunohistochemically stained using antibodies CD31 and D2-40 to detect intravascular tumor emboli. This finding was compared with the clinical data and the disease outcome. Intravascular tumor cells were observed in 117 (93%) of the samples. The majority, 83 (66%), showed only lymphovascular invasion. Only blood vascular invasion was seen in four (3%) samples. In all, 30 (24%) samples demonstrated both lymphovascular invasion and blood vascular invasion. In only nine (7%) samples, there was no invasion within the vascular structures. The tumors lacking invasion were significantly smaller (Po0.01 and a ¼ 0.050) than those with vascular invasion, although lymphovascular invasion was observed even in the smallest tumor (0.3 cm) of this study. Already in the early stages of the disease, Merkel cell carcinoma seems to have the capacity to penetrate vessel walls. Our finding of the high frequency of lymphovascular invasion might therefore explain the extremely aggressive clinical behavior of Merkel cell carcinoma. This may support the role of sentinel node biopsy even in the case of very small primary Merkel cell carcinoma tumors.