CitationShrestha R, Lama L, Gurung D, Shrestha DP, Rosdahl I. Pattern of skin diseases in a rural village development community of Nepal. NJDVL 2014; 12(1): 41 -44.
AbstractIntroduction: Skin diseases are a common cause of morbidity in Nepal as per the health services report. There is limited information on the prevalence and pattern of skin diseases in the community.Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the pattern of skin diseases in a rural village development community of Nepal.
Material and methods:Two dermatologic health camps were conducted, during which, the villagers were examined by dermatologists. The skin diseases diagnosed were recorded in a proforma.Results: There were 433 individuals examined and 359 (male-47.9%; female-52.1%) had skin disease identified clinically (camp prevalence-83%). The age of patients ranged from 1 to 80 years (mean-24.5; SD±15.9), with majority in the age group of 10-19 years. The most common skin disease category was eczemas (36.4%), followed by infections (28.4%), acne (22%), pigment disorders (34%) and urticaria (12.3%).
Conclusion:Skin diseases were common in the community. The five most common Skin disease categories were eczemas, infections, acne and pigment disorders were the more common conditions.