At some point in the past 2000À4000 years, DENVs moved out of the Asian jungle and into rural villages, where they were, and still are, transmitted to humans by peridomestic mosquitoes such as A. albopictus. Migration of people and commerce ultimately moved the viruses into larger villages, towns, and cities of tropical Asia, where the viruses were most likely transmitted sporadically by A. albopictus and possibly other closely related peridomestic Stegomyia species (Halstead, 2007). The slave trade and the resulting commerce were responsible for the introduction and the widespread distribution of an African mosquito, 284 16. DENGUE VIRUS EMERGING AND REEMERGING VIRAL PATHOGENS 288 16. DENGUE VIRUS EMERGING AND REEMERGING VIRAL PATHOGENS 292 16. DENGUE VIRUS EMERGING AND REEMERGING VIRAL PATHOGENS 294 16. DENGUE VIRUS EMERGING AND REEMERGING VIRAL PATHOGENS 296 16. DENGUE VIRUS EMERGING AND REEMERGING VIRAL PATHOGENS 298 16. DENGUE VIRUS EMERGING AND REEMERGING VIRAL PATHOGENS