Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmunemulti-systemic disease; it is a controlled disease but isnot curable. SLE affects different systems in the body,such as cardiac, renal, respiratory, hematology,neurology, and rheumatology. It can cause variousproblems in the heart, lungs, and joints. This Systemicreview researched articles from 3 databases: PubMed,Google Scholar, and PubMed Central in June 2022. Wedid this systemic review using Prisma guidelines. Wecollected this systemic review in the last five years. Freefull articles randomized controlled trial (RCT), systemicreview articles, and English language included. Otherlanguages and articles earlier than 2017. Joanna BriggsInstitute (JBI) checklist, Assessment of MultipleSystemic Reviews 2 (AMSTAR), and Scale for theAssessment of Multiple Systemic Reviews 2 (SANRA)are used to check for quality assessment. In thesystemic review, the initial search generated 516articles. They included 13 in the final selection; six werecase reports, two were systemic reviews, three of themretrospective studies, and two were literature reviews.In this Systemic review, we will focus on the cardiacmanifestations associated with systemic lupuserythematosus and use Hydroxychloroquine to preventthe deterioration of systemic lupus erythematosus anddecrease the incidence rate cardiac problems. Itdiscovered a decrease in the incidence rate of cardiacmanifestations. It found that hydroxychloroquine iseffective in the treatment of systemic lupuserythematosus patients. Not only that, but they foundthat Hydroxychloroquine effectively treats systemiclupus erythematosus patients and limits cardiac riskfactors. We need further studies and research tounderstand the effect of systemic lupus erythematosuson the cardiac system and the effects ofHydroxychloroquine on decreasing the impact ofsystemic lupus erythematosus on the heart.