Motivated by diverse phenomena in cellular biophysics, including bacterial flagellar motion and DNA transcription and replication, we study the overdamped nonlinear dynamics of a rotationally forced filament with twist and bend elasticity. Competition between twist injection, twist diffusion, and writhing instabilities is described by a novel pair of coupled PDEs for twist and bend evolution. Analytical and numerical methods elucidate the twist/bend coupling and reveal two dynamical regimes separated by a Hopf bifurcation: (i) diffusion-dominated axial rotation, or twirling, and (ii) steady-state crankshafting motion, or whirling. The consequences of these phenomena for selfpropulsion are investigated, and experimental tests proposed.PACS numbers: 46.70.Hg, 47.15.Gf, Dynamics and stability of rotationally forced elastic filaments arise in several important biological settings involving bend and twist elasticity at low Reynolds number. In the context of DNA replication, when two daughter strands are produced from a duplex, it was noted [1] long ago that energy dissipation for rotations about the filament axis is so much smaller than that for transverse motions that axial "speedometer-cable" motions are favored, and are energetically and topologically feasible. During DNA transcription, in which a polymerase protein moves down the double-stranded filament, progressive unwinding of the helix can lead to an accumulation of local twist that may induce "writhing" instabilities of the filament [2]. Energetic and dynamical aspects of these processes are of great current interest [3,4].At the cellular level, bacteria are propelled through fluids by helical flagella turned by rotary motors in the cell wall [5]. Recent studies [6] have revealed the details of two competing crystal structures assumed by flagellin, the protein building block of flagella, corresponding to helices of opposite chirality. Both local and distributed torques can change the conformation of flagella; during swimming these motors episodically reverse direction [7], and the resultant torques can induce transformations between these states [8], while uniform flow past a pinned flagellum may induce such chirality inversions [9].To elucidate fundamental processes common to these systems, we consider here the model problem shown in Fig. 1: a slender elastic filament in a fluid of viscosity η, rotated at one end at frequency ω 0 with the other free. We study competition between three processes: twist injection at the rotated end, twist diffusion, and writhing. Analytical and numerical methods reveal two dynamical regimes of motion: twirling, in which the straight but twisted rod rotates about its centerline, and whirling, in which the centerline of the rod writhes and crankshafts around the rotation axis in a steady state.This work is a natural outgrowth of recent studies of forced elastica in the plane [10,11], and dynamic twistbend coupling [12][13][14]. The balance considered between elastic and viscous stresses complements that between elasticity and ...