Halide perovskites have remarkable properties for relatively crudely processed semiconductors, including large optical absorption coefficients and long charge carrier lifetimes. Thanks to such properties, these materials are now competing with established technologies for use in cost-effective and efficient light harvesting and light emitting devices. Nevertheless, our fundamental understanding of the behaviour of charge carriers in these materialsparticularly on the nano-to micro-scalehas on the whole lagged behind the empirical device performances. Such understanding is essential to control charge carriers, exploit new device structures, and push devices to their performance limits. Among other tools, optical microscopy and spectroscopic techniques have revealed rich information about charge carrier recombination and transport on important length scales. In this Progress Report, we detail the contribution of time-resolved optical microscopy techniques to our collective understanding of the photophysics of these materials. We discuss ongoing technical developments in the field that are overcoming traditional experimental limitations in order to visualise transport properties over multiple time and length scales. Finally, we propose strategies to combine optical microscopy with complementary techniques in order to obtain a holistic picture of local carrier photophysics in state-of-the-art perovskite devices.2 Over the last decade, there has been a dramatic rise in the efficiencies of light harvesting [1,2] , and light emitting [3,4] devices based on halide perovskite materials, with performances already rivalling existing commercial technologies. Perovskites are high-quality semiconductors with remarkable optoelectronic properties including an apparent defect tolerance [5] , long chargecarrier lifetimes [6] , long charge-carrier diffusion lengths [7,8] and sharp absorption edges [9] . However, they also exhibit complex heterogeneous morphological, chemical, structural and photo-physical properties across multiple length scales [10] arising from combinations of their hybrid organic-inorganic nature [11,12] , mixed chemical compositions [13] and their polycrystalline structure [14] , presenting challenges for rigorous charaterisation. A broad range of experimental techniques [10] has been employed to provide insight into their structural, chemical, morphological and macroscopic device operation properties, including electrical devices, diffraction, and electron microscopy characterization approaches, but these tools fall short in elucidating critical processes impacting device operation, namely the dynamics of photoexcited species and the transport of energy on all length scales. Optical spectroscopy techniques [15][16][17][18][19] directly probe the photophysics of materials and devices (see Figure 1a and b) making them powerful tools to establish and contextualise important properties such as absorption and photoluminescence [15] (PL) spectra [20,21] , exciton binding energies [22] , PL or device quantum efficien...