In this numerical study, measurements of the contact forces inside a periodic two-dimensional sheared system of soft frictional particles are reported. The distribution P(f n ) of normalized normal forces f n =F n / F n exhibits a gradual broadening with increasing the pure shear deformation γ, leading to a slower decay for large forces. The process however slows down and P(f n ) approaches an invariant shape at high γ. By introducing the joint probability distribution P(f n , α) in sheared configurations, it is shown that for a fixed direction α, the force distribution decays faster than exponentially even in a sheared system. The overall broadening can be attributed to the averaging over different directions in the presence of shear-induced stress anisotropy. The distribution of normalized tangential forces almost preserves its shape for arbitrary applied strain. Introduction -The contact forces in disordered materials, such as colloidal suspensions, foams, emulsions, and granular media are remarkably organized into highly heterogeneous force networks [1]. A statistical mechanical description of stress transmission in disordered media should provide a way to understand and predict the contact force distributions. The tail behaviour of the normalized normal force distribution P (f n ≡F n / F n ) has received much attention, and several theoretical models with different assumptions and approaches [2,3] predict an exponential as well as a Gaussian tail. While early experiments and numerical simulations [4][5][6] favoured the exponential decay, further studies revealed that the decay can also be faster than exponential [7][8][9][10][11]. A recent numerical study [12] of frictional soft particle systems under pure compression showed that, independent of the distance from jamming, the tail behaviour can be described by a stretched exponential with an exponent around 1.8, which slightly depends on the choice of the contact force law, the friction coefficient, and the relative particle stiffness in tangential and normal directions.