Using neutron diffraction the magnetic form factor f of oxygen is investigated in the solid monoclinic cr-phase (2' < 23.88 OK). The antiferromagnetic reflections of cr-0, (001) and (loo), containing the purely spin magnetic scattering on x-electrons, may give the values of f for sin 012 equaling to 0.1047 and 0.1242, respectively. The data of magnetic diffraction on KO, are also considered: in the magnetic structure proposed the antiferromagnetic reflections (001) and (110) (sin O/A is equal to 0.0735 and 0.1260, respectively) are again due to the orientation of the Tc-orbital spin moments (orbital moment is frozen). The whole set of obtained values f for 0, and 0; are in reasonable agreement with the calculated dependences of f. MeTOHOM HII@paKUMkI HeiTPOHOB IICCJIeHyeTCR MarHLlTHbIn @OPM-#aKTOP KIICJIO-pOAa f B TBepHOn MOHOKJIHHHOfi Ct-@a3e (T < 23,88 O H ) . AHTH@ePPOMarHHTHbIe oTpameHm cr-0, (001) EI (loo), conepmawie WCTO cnmoBoe MarHmHoe pacceHm e Ha x -m e~~p o~a x IIO~BOJIIIJIH I I~B J I~Y~ 3~a q e~m f UJIH sin O/A, pamoro 0,1047 M 0,1242, COOTBeTCTBeHHO. TaK me PaCCMOTpeHM HaHHble MarklMTHOfi AH@paKUHU Ha KO, : B npe&llOHteHHOfi MaI' HATHOft CTPYKTYpe aHTPi@eppOMarHHTHbIe OTpa-HCetIIIR (001) II (110) (Sin e p paBeH 0,0735 M 0,1260, COOTBeTCTBeHHO) BHOBb o6ycno-BJIeHbI OpEIeHTaUMefi CnMHOBbIX MOMeHTOB (Op6MTaJIbHbIfi MOMeHT 3aMOpOMeH) x -o p 6~~a n e t .COBOKYnHOCTb IlOJIyqeHHbIX 3HaseHMfi f nJIH 0, M 0, YAOBJIeTBOPH-TeJIbHO COrJIaCyIOTCH C BbIWXCJIeHHbIMH 3aBMCHMOCTRMH &TIII f .