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HighlightsExplored the views and perspectives of European small islands experts.Showed the need for cooperation networks while developing SEA in these territories.Encouraged the development of specific guidelines as opposed to more legal frameworks.Highlighted SEA capability for the enhancement of small island sustainability.
HighlightsExplored the views and perspectives of European small islands experts.Showed the need for cooperation networks while developing SEA in these territories.Encouraged the development of specific guidelines as opposed to more legal frameworks.Highlighted SEA capability for the enhancement of small island sustainability.
AbstractSmall islands have the attention of the international community because they are territories with unique features, and a pressing need for the enhancement of sustainability. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has characteristics that may promote the development and improvement of sustainability in these territories: (i) changing the mind-set, and the decision-making and institutional paradigm, (ii) facilitating cooperation and coordination between different stakeholders, and (iii) providing a framework for good governance and community empowerment. The scientific literature suggests that there may be a need for context-specific SEA in these territories. However, SEA studies often do not incorporate local contextual information, including intuitive knowledge and sense of place. Therefore, there is a possible gap between what is found in the literature and what local communities think, including different stakeholders and experts. Hence, the main goal of this research was to gain an insight into the views and perspectives of small islands SEA experts about issues related to SEA in European small islands, including context-specific approaches, as well as the contribution of SEA for sustainability in these territories. To achieve the research aim, exploratory research using a questionnaire-based survey was designed, aimed at experts on SEA in European small islands. Findings showed regional cooperation networks may have a fundamental role when developing SEA-specific approaches in these territories. This is because SEA-specific approaches encourage a joint effort among islands within one region to i...