In the QB site of the Rba. sphaeroides photosynthetic reaction centre the donation of a hydrogen bond from the hydroxyl group of Ser-L223 to the ubisemiquinone formed after the first flash is debatable. In this study we use a combination of spectroscopy and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations to comprehensively explore this topic. We show that ENDOR, ESEEM and HYSCORE spectroscopic differences between the mutant L223SA and the wild type sample (WT) are negligible, indicating only minor perturbations in the ubisemiquinone spin density for the mutant sample. Qualitatively this suggests that a strong hydrogen bond does not exist in the WT between the Ser-L223 hydroxyl group and the semiquinone O1 atom, as removal of this hydrogen bond in the mutant should cause a significant redistribution of spin density in the semiquinone. We show quantitatively, using QM/MM calculations, that a WT model in which the Ser-L223 hydroxyl group is rotated to prevent hydrogen bond formation with the O1 atom of the semiquinone predicts negligible change for the L223SA mutant. This, together with the better agreement between key QM/MM calculated and experimental hyperfine couplings for the non-hydrogen bonded model, leads us to conclude that no strong hydrogen bond is formed between the Ser-L223 hydroxyl group and the semiquinone O1 atom after the first flash. The implications of this finding for quinone reduction in photosynthetic reaction centres are discussed.