Recent Geological and Paleontological exploration during the start of new/third millennium (from 2000 to 2019) yielded 45 taxa of vertebrates and invertebrates from Mesozoic and Tertiary (except a jawless fish from Cambrian and a trilobite from Permo-Triassic boundary) strata of Pakistan like dinosaurs, mesoeucrocodiles, eucrocodiles, pterosaurs-light bodied flying reptiles, plesiosaurs-broad bodied and ichthyosaurs-streamlined bodied reptiles and fishes, basilosaurid whale, Baluchithere rhinoceroses and paleo-horses mammals, invertebrates (hippurites/rudists, oysters, mussels and other bivalves, ammonites, belemnites nautilides and gastropods Mollusca, starfish echinoids, nummulites, assilina and alveolina foraminifers, arthropods and corals), algae, sponge and wood fossils. Here described new fossil records would attract widespread interests.