For sedentary activities, the PMV equation, derived by Fanger, is mainly based on the research of Nevins et al. (720 test subjects). Nevins' experiments were later on repeated by Fanger, but with 128 college-age Danish subjects and 128 elderly Danish subjects, instead of American subjects. Rohles did the research from Nevins et al. again, but over a more extensive temperature range and more, namely 1600, test subjects. Rohles' research results have been partly included in the derivation of the PPD equation, but not in the derivation for the PMV equation. Rohles' experimental results are published at a later time than the publication of the thesis of Fanger. The question arises: 'If Rohles' experimental results were included in the derivation of the PMV equation, instead of Nevins' experimental results, to what extent does that change the PMV equation and the application area of the PMV equation, with regard of validity, for sedentary activities?'. In the same way, as Fanger described in his thesis, and using the results of Rohles' experiment, this study is limited to the derivation of a PMV equation with a wider PMV range than −2 to 2, for sedentary activities.