In the context of spontaneous wave function collapse models, we investigate the properties of the Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) collapse rate for rigid bodies. By exploiting the Euler-Maclaurin formula, we show that for standard matter the rate for a continuous mass distribution accurately reproduces the exact rate (i.e. the one for a point-like distribution). We compare the exact rate with previous estimates in the literature and we asses their validity. We find that the reduction rate displays a peculiar mass difference effect, which we investigate and describe in detail. We show that the recently proposed layering effect is a consequence of the mass difference effect.
I. INTRODUCTIONSpontaneous collapse models predict a breakdown of the superposition principle in the macroscopic regime, though retaining quantum properties for microscopic systems [1,2]. These models are based on a non-linear and stochastic modification of the Schrödinger equation which gives very tiny deviations from standard quantum theory for microscopic systems, which become stronger for macroscopic objects, eventually departing from quantum features and recovering classical dynamics. The most studied collapse model is the mass-proportional CSL model [3], which is characterized by two parameters: the collapse rate λ and the localisation distance r C . Since the CSL model (like all collapse models) makes different predictions from quantum mechanics, it can be tested against it, allowing to bound its parameters. In recent years, experimental interest increased in this direction and a steady improvement on bounding its parameters has been achieved [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11].Previous investigations found that the CSL effects on rigid bodies display an important contribution from the geometry of the object [12][13][14]. However, how exactly the CSL collapse rate depends on the geometry of the body and on the superposition distance has never been analyzed in detail. Furthermore, in the literature a continuous mass distribution is often implicitly assumed, but the validity of this assumption has never been investigated. Indeed, since CSL acts on nucle- *