Genetic epidemiological studies have suggested that several genetic variants increase the risk for hypertension. It is likely that a number of genes rather than a single gene account for the heritability of this complex disorder. However, the genetic analysis of hypertension produced complex, inconsistent and nonreproducible results, which makes it difficult to draw conclusions about the association between specific genes and hypertension. Material and methods: In this study, we aimed to analyze SNPs that had been investigated in hypertension. These SNPs were collected from text-mind hypertension, obesity and diabetic (T-HOD) data base program, during the period of 31 may 2016. SNPs lists which were reported with hypertension were collected in excel file sheet and processed for analysis using different types of bioinformatics tools and programs. Results: SNPs were evaluated for their deleterious effect on the protein function and stability, in the present study, 7 SNPs were predicted deleterious (A288S, M731T, R172C, R50Q, G460W, K197N, G75V). Mutation3D server showed 3 of mutations (STEA4, PLD2, AZIN2, rs28933400, rs2286672, rs16835244 genes and corresponding rsSNPs respectively) were found to increase risk to hypertension.