Aesthetic denotes the high loading of general feeling, beauty, and meaningfulness. The aesthetic of the web interface is vital since it could influence the users' initial impression, attention, satisfaction, subjective experiences and successful communications. However, the aesthetics of the web interface is very subjective because different individuals might have their own perspective. Hence, the judgement whether the web interface is aesthetically appealing or not, is not absolutely accurate and reliable based on the subjective evaluation. As a result, there is uncertainty in the decision of aesthetically web interfaces. Thus, in order to response to this issue, this research aims to construct a model that can objectively measure the aesthetic of the web interface. The present study intends to focus on the web-based learning interface because the aesthetic of the interface could attract students to the content of the learning modules and drive students to further explore the learning materials. The objectives of this research are to design web-based learning interfaces based on the aesthetic design principles selected, to develop a model for measuring aesthetic web-based learning interfaces based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy (FAHP) approach and, to evaluate the proposed model in a web-based learning domain. In order to construct an aesthetic measuring model for web interfaces, this study will employ FAHP approach. The expected findings of the current research are the ranking of aesthetic criteria that used to create the web interfaces, and subsequently, can give a consistent criterion that could contribute to the aesthetic of web interfaces, this research is significant because it is able to produce a model that can assist in determining the aesthetic web-based learning interfaces. Taken together, it is also could contribute to the body of knowledge in the interface design and decision support system fields.