“…Other authors review the concept of cultural quarter and of making a typology (Montgomery, 2003(Montgomery, , 2004. In Romania, redevelopment is discussed related to territorial identity (Ilovan, Jordan, & Havadi-Nagy, & Zametter 2016a;Ilovan, Scridon, Havadi-Nagy, & Huciu 2016b;Nicula, Stoica, & Ilovan 2017;Scridon & Ilovan, 2016), to resilience (Bănică & Muntele, 2015Bănică, Istrate, & Muntele, 2017), to social economy (Drăgan & Popa, 2017), to spatial restructuring (Jucu, 2016) or to industrial restructuring (Voiculescu & Jucu, 2016).…”