“…Though not independent of one another, the convergence of findings across approaches adds to the credibility of our results about the importance of social resources for late-life well-being. We also consider it important to keep the single-phase model because it helps connecting the current study to the large majority of earlier reports on late-life well-being that were based on relatively few data points and thus did not allow apply multi-phase models (Berg, Hassing, Thorvadsson, & Johansson, 2011; Carmel, Shrira, & Shmotkin, 2013; Diehr, Williamson, Burke, & Psaty, 2002; Mroczek & Spiro, 2005; Palgi, Shrira, Ben-Ezra, Spalter, Shmotkin, & Kavé, 2010; Palgi, Shrira, Ben-Ezra, Spalter, Kavé, & Shmotkin, 2014; Schilling et al, 2013; Vogel, Schilling, Wahl, Beekman, & Penninx, 2012; Windsor, Gerstorf, & Luszcz, 2015). …”