DOI: 10.3390/land10030315
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Social Vulnerability Assessment for Landslide Hazards in Malaysia: A Systematic Review Study

Abstract: Landslides represent one of the world’s most dangerous and widespread risks, annually causing thousands of deaths and billions of dollars worth of damage. Building on and around hilly areas in many regions has increased, and it poses a severe threat to the physical infrastructure and people living within such zones. Quantitative assessment of social vulnerability in Malaysia is worrying because it has been given less attention than hazard-related studies. Therefore, this study’s objective is to find out the in… Show more

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Cited by 41 publications
(16 citation statements)
References 68 publications
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“…In recent decades, the most suitable way to tackle this hazardous event is the spatial assessment of vulnerability to landslides 3 , 4 . Assessment of geomorphological, geological, tectonic, climate, vegetation, and land practices may help in identifying the area susceptible and vulnerable to landslides 5 , 6 .…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In recent decades, the most suitable way to tackle this hazardous event is the spatial assessment of vulnerability to landslides 3 , 4 . Assessment of geomorphological, geological, tectonic, climate, vegetation, and land practices may help in identifying the area susceptible and vulnerable to landslides 5 , 6 .…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Nowadays, remote sensing products provide a realistic alternative to obtain land surface information across broad regions and over longer periods at a low cost [67]. This spatial approach to assess the risk by the vulnerability and the landslide susceptibility is the most proper way to challenge this type of disaster [10,11].…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Following the latter commented definition, we must place the evaluation of the landslide risk into a framework that combines these two concepts, susceptibility (as a proxy of hazard) and vulnerability. The most appropriate way to challenge the landslide event in recent decades is the spatial assessment of susceptibility and vulnerability to landslides [10,11]. The occurrence of landslides is a natural phenomenon, but anthropogenic processes are one of the causes of vulnerability to landslides.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Overall, the accuracy of the models developed using this technique has shown high prediction performance and high success rates (Ayodele 2010;Oladipupo 2012;Goetz et al 2015;Dickson and Perry 2016;Shirzadi et al 2018;Ghorbanzadeh et al 2019;Hegde and Rokseth 2020). The dynamic nature of landslides with their conditioning and triggering factors across different locations made researchers explore different algorithms to harness the maximum prediction rate from the soft computing techniques (Chen X and Chen W 2021;Diana et al 2021;Saha et al 2021;Youssef and Pourghasemi 2021). To date, many researchers are using machine learning algorithms to mine data and make valuable predictions of landslide occurrence effectively.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%