The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of feminization of labor migration in the Altai Region. The paper deals with the gender aspects of the adaptation of migrants, manifested in assessments of satisfaction with different aspects of life activity. The specifics of the attitude towards the local population are described; an assessment of the degree of trust in basic social institutions, which determines the specificity of the activities of Muslim women in the border region of Russia. The author substantiates the conclusions about the increasing tendency of the growing number of women in the process of immigration from Asian countries to the Altai Territory, changes in the structure and content of the emotional and cognitive components of the ethnic self-awareness of migrant women. The presence of two mutually conditioned processes is described-the growth of assimilation and the preservation of ethnonational identity. The latent conflict of migration is a gender specific. The author presents a systematic analysis that identifies the ambiguous aspects of migration processes in the Russian border area, both with regard to the host population and the migrant women themselves. The author shows how migration intensifies the process of women's inclusion in the social and cultural space of the Russian territory. The activity of women depends on the social capital of the woman herself, the level of her initiative, her self-reliance, and flexible adaptability. The most successfully adapt and assimilate women with a higher or secondary special education; the presence of a prestigious specialty, crafts; knowledge of laws and migration documents; the presence of relatives who successfully adapted in the region earlier; the presence of Russian friends; a young and able-bodied age. In the cross-border territory, there is a formation of gender symmetry, which is not always characteristic of the countries of the outcome of women, especially those who preach Islam.