In these studies we have compared the relative amounts and isoforms of tropomyosin in capillary and postcapillary venule pericytes, endothelial cells, and vascular smooth muscle cells in four rat microvascular beds: heart, diaphragm, pancreas, and the intestinal mucosa. The results, obtained by in situ immunoperoxidase localization, indicate that (a) tropomyosin is present in capillary and postcapillary venule pericytes in relatively high concentration; (b) the tropomyosin content of pericytes appears to be somewhat lower than in vascular smooth muscle cells but higher than in endothelia and other vessel-associated cells; and (c) pericytes, unlike endothelia and other nonmuscle cells, contain detectable levels of tropomyosin immunologically related to the smooth muscle isoform. These results and our previous findings concerning the presence of a cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (Joyce, N., P. DeCamilli, and J. Boyles, 1984, Microvasc. Res. 28:206-219) in pericytes demonstrate that these cells contain significant amounts of at least two proteins important for contraction regulation. Taken together, the evidence suggests that pericytes are contractile elements related to vascular smooth muscle cells, possibly involved, as are the latter, in the regulation of blood flow through the microvasculature.Pericytes are polymorphic cells closely associated with the walls of capillaries and postcapillary venules. They have a cell body which is often highly elongated, and multiple branching foot processes which partially encircle the vessel wall. Pericytes can be distinguished from other perivascular cells, such as adventitial fibroblasts, by their location within the basement membrane of the vessels, and by the close apposition of the tips of their processes to the underlying endothelium. Electron microscopic studies have identified pericytes in a number of tissues and organs (I0, 12, 20, 36). They may, in fact, be common to all microvascular beds, although their relative frequency and distribution appear to vary from one microvascular bed to another (32,33).The function of pericytes is still unclear; however, morphologic evidence suggests that they may be contractile cells related to vascular smooth muscle. Numerous micro filaments form a continuous plate in the adluminal cytoplasm of their cell body and extend from it into the foot processes, where, in the more distal segments, they fill the cytoplasm to the relative exclusion of other subeellular components. In addition, the foot processes have densities that appear similar to the attachment plaques and dense bodies of smooth muscle cells (29,32,34). The presence of such structures within circumferentially oriented pericyte processes suggests a poten-