This paper presents a methodology for providing high availability to the demands of cloud's clients. To attain this objective, failover stratagems for cloud computing using integrated checkpointing algorithms are purposed in this paper. Purposed strategy integrate checkpointing feature with load balancing algorithms and also make multilevel checkpoint to decrease checkpointing overheads. For implementation of purposed failover strategies, a cloud simulation environment is developed, which has the ability to provide high availability to clients in case of failure/recovery of service nodes. \\The primary objective of this research work is to improve the checkpoint efficiency and prevent checkpointing from becoming the bottleneck of cloud data centers. In order to find an efficient checkpoint interval, checkpointing overheads has also considered in this paper. By varying rerun time of checkpoints comparison tables are made which can be used to find optimal checkpoint interval. The purposed failover strategy will work on application layer and provide highly availability for Platform as a Service (PaaS) feature of cloud computing.