IntisariTelah diaplikasikan magnet sebagai sistem isolasi vibrasi (shock absorber) pada kendaraan bermotor sebagai pengganti sistem pegas yang memanfaatkan gaya tolak antara dua buah magnet sejenis.. Dilakukan pemodelan active magneto-pneumatic suspension untuk mengetahui performansi magnet melalui pendekatan analisisinterpretasi respon suspensi dan distribusi densitas fluks magnetik. Pemodelan terdiri atas model geometrik dan model matematik, terbagi atas komponen suspensi (magnet permanen Nd-Fe-B dan elektromagnet tersusun dalam konfigurasi serial-vertikal sesuai prinsip levitasi magnet berdasar polarisasi), dan komponen kontrol vibrasi (piezoelektrik beserta charge amplifier, PID voltage controller, dan power amplifier). Berdasarkan hasil simulasi, diperoleh bahwa magnet permanen Nd-Fe-B memiliki performansi yang cukup baik dalam sistem isolasi vibrasi pada kendaraan bermotor, ditunjukkan berdasarkan kapabilitasnya dalam mereduksi vibrasi melalui evaluasi transmisibilitas yang relatif kecil dan stabilitas respon suspensi yang relatif stabil. Desain tekanan pneumatik 0,125 bar dan kontrol umpan maju pada active magneto-pneumatics suspension didapatkan nilai transmisibilitas untuk fungsi profil lintasan sinusoidal yaitu 0,9%-7%, untuk fungsi profil lintasan bumb berkisar 6,5%-25% dan untuk fungsi profil lintasan random mencapai 2,5%.
ABSTRACTIn this paper, the magnet use as an automotive vibration isolation will be explained. It is based on expelling forces that between two similar magnetic poles. A model of active magneto-pneumatic suspension system is developed to simulate the required magnet performance by analysing the magnetic flux distribution and its related suspension response. Both geometrical and mathematical models consist of suspension sub-components (i.e. Nd-Fe-B permanent magnet and electromagnet which are in serial-vertical structure, with refer to magnetic levitation based on polarisation principle) and vibration control sub-components (piezoelectric and its amplifier, PID voltage coltroller, and power amplifier. Results shown that the Nd-Fe-B permanent magnet have a good performance for isolating automative vibration, indicated by the small transmissibility and high stability of suspension response. With a hydraulic pressure of 0.125 bar and a forward control on active magneto-pneumatic suspension system, respected transmissibility values obtained are 0.9% -7% for sinusoidal path profile, 6.5%-25% for bump path profile, and 2.5% for random profile. KATA KUNCI: model active magneto-pneumatic suspensin, magnet permanent Nd-Fe-B