Rising levels of underground water and inappropriate pipe alignment during rainy weather have led to a rise in rainfall-derived infiltration and inflow (RDII), increasing incidences of separate sewer overflows (SSOs) and reducing the efficiency of sewage treatment systems. RTK analysis based on measured RDII data of the target area through computer modeling is essential when maintaining sewer pipes in order to address this RDII problem. In the Sanitary Sewer Overflow Analysis and Planning (SSOAP) program used for RTK analysis, calculating RTK using a trial and error method is a bit challenging. Accordingly, this study introduces a program to calculate the optimal RTK at the measurement point using a genetic algorithm. In ROP, accuracy was added to the RDII prediction mechanism by incorporating error rates based on time intervals into the evaluation factors of SSOAP, namely rainfall inflow rate and peak flow error rate. The error rate for the SSOAP program and ROP was validated as 2.66%.