Thanks to CAPES for the financial support during my sandwich Ph.D. studies in Germany. I would like to thank the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg and the University of Applied Sciences Hamm/Lippstadt for the support provided that aided in the accomplishment of my Ph.D. studies. Considering the period I lived in Germany, all the enriching experiences I have had and the lessons learned, I would like to express my gratitude to André Faria, Charles Steinmetz, Cíntia Faria, Edenilda Brachtendorf, Filiz Polat, Renata Lutkehaus and Vincent Marnier. Thank you for dedicating your time, care, friendship and words of encouragement and support over the points of this journey. Finally, I want to thank my mother, Luzia de Fátima Gonçalves, and my daughter, Maria Fernanda Gonçalves. You are the ones who deserve all the honors and are to whom I dedicate all the results and jubilation that come from this research. I know how hard this period was for you both: many absences, relinquishment, days without dialogue and several "rainy days". Thanks for the true friendship, your support and unconditional love. My dearest of friends, you have lived and supported my dream. I could never have done all this without you, I love you infinitely. "Porque não há nada mais belo que o amor." (Marcos Jungmann Bhering) atestar suas contribuições e expressividade para o desenvolvimento dos SRTE.