Domestic radio-electronics, which is still incorporated in many electronic devices, has practically exhausted its technical resource. The longer modernization is postponed and the radio-electronic equipment based on outdated elements remains in use, the more its efficiency declines and operating costs increase. This paper analyzes the problems of maintaining the operational efficiency of radio-electronics that has exhausted its technical resource and the production of its elemental base has been discontinued. The authors substantiate the approach to extending the life cycle of technical products by updating the target functions of modules and cells through reengineering. The reengineering was performed for the functional control system 4PK, which is part of the radar 5N86 (“Hen House”), which has been in operation since 1975. To check the possibility of preserving the existing operating principles, simulations of cells and modules on the new elemental base and existing modules were carried out using Tina-Ti software simulation tools (Texas Instruments), Electronics Workbench, Micro Cap. The results of the reengineering of the 2TM modules indicated the problem of choosing a new element base — they use negative logic, which complicates the using a series of modern elemental base, the vast majority of elements of which are designed on positive logic and positive supply voltage. In order not to disturb the power supply architecture of the active radar, a way was found to coordinate different levels. Testing the model showed a positive result, and a number of cells showed the possibility to build a universal cell using reconfigurable electronic microcircuits in its composition.