Rumex crispus was grown under wet and dry conditions in two-chamber columns such that the roots were confined to one chamber by a 21 μm nylon mesh, thus creating a soil–root interface (‘rhizoplane’). Element concentrations at 3 mm intervals below the ‘rhizoplane’ were measured. The hypothesis was that metals accumulate near plant roots more under wetland than dryland conditions. Patterns in element distribution were different between the treatments. Under dryland conditions Al, Ba, Cu, Cr, Fe, K, La, Mg, Na, Sr, V, Y and Zn accumulated in soil closest to the roots, above the ‘rhizoplane’ only. Under wetland conditions Al, Fe, Cr, K, V and Zn accumulated above as well as 3 mm below the ‘rhizoplane’ whereas La, Sr and Y accumulated 3 mm below the ‘rhizoplane’ only. Plants on average produced 1.5 times more biomass and element uptake was 2.5 times greater under wetland compared to dryland conditions.