Enzyme-induced calcium carbonate precipitation (EICP) techniques are used in several disciplines and for a wide range of applications. In the oil and gas industry, EICP is a relatively new technique and is actively used for enhanced oil recovery applications, removal of undesired chemicals and generating desired chemicals in situ, and plugging of fractures, lost circulation, and sand consolidation. Many oil- and gas-bearing formations encounter the problem of the flow of sand grains into the wellbore along with the reservoir fluids. This study offers a detailed review of sand consolidation using EICP to solve and prevent sand production issues in oil and gas wells. Interest in bio-cementation techniques has gained a sharp increase recently due to their sustainable and environmentally friendly nature. An overview of the factors affecting the EICP technique is discussed with an emphasis on the in situ reactions, leading to sand consolidation. Furthermore, this study provides a guideline to assess sand consolidation performance and the applicability of EICP to mitigate sand production issues in oil and gas wells.