In many regions of the world with energy poverty there are abundant renewable energy sources. Particularly in Africa and Asia a lot of rural areas are not connected to any grid infrastructure. Solar and wind power offer huge opportunities in off-grid electricity systems. Small scale offgrid systems have the potential to improve the energy access in rural and peri-urban parts of the developing world by providing not only lighting and heating but also pumping to gain access to water as well as water re-use and purification using different technologies including desalination. Already solar power in small-scale installations have provided electrical power and lifted millions of people out of poverty.Electric power grids may be available but need to be complemented with decentralized energy sources in rapidly growing peri-urban areas. Solar and wind are already becoming part of a new kind of hybrid energy supply. Even in higher-income countries off-grid solar is becoming more attractive although in many cases this was due to various policy incentives such as feed-in-taxes, and fiscal policy through tax credits. Available electrical energy is a critical factor to pump or treat water. We will illustrate how solar and wind energy can provide pumping for water supply or irrigation, make treatment of contaminated water sources and water reuse possible. Renewable energy offers new possibilities because of its scalability and can deliver energy for all sizes of water operations, from the household level to the village or urban community level. In particular solar PV is highly modular, from very small lighting systems in remote areas to residential systems and utility-scale projects; from the kW range to several hundred MWs. Solar PV is also an attractive option for mini-grids for small villages. [1] Water and energy for all are among the most essential parts of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), adopted in 2015 by the international community as part of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. [4] The strong couplings between SDG6 (access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all) and SDG7 (clean water and sanitation) are increasingly recognized. [5,6] The energy-water-food nexus is a growing concern for decision makers globally. [3] Pumping and water treatment by biological processes or desalination will increase the supply of clean water. Conventional electric power technologies, such as thermal power plants, consume large volumes of water for cooling, while solar PV and wind generation have negligible water consumption.The combination of population increase, climate change and urbanization are strongly related to the availability of energy Renewable energy technologies can make a major contribution to universal access to both energy and water in a sustainable way. In many regions of the world with energy poverty there are abundant renewable energy sources. In this review it is described how solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy have a huge potential to supply clean water, in particu...