The structures of the title complexes have been determined from linear diffractometer data by X-ray (Dias & Green, 1969. The Mo and W complexes were thought to contain d 8 square-planar metal M' and, by analogy, the metals M would be described as d 2. In the Nb complexes, however, there are two fewer electrons, formally one less associated with each of the two Nb atoms, although the complex remains diamagnetic. The structures were determined in an attempt to elucidate the chemical and electronic structures of the complexes. A preliminary account of part of this work has appeared (Douglas, Green, Prout & Rees, 1971).
PreparationThe compounds were prepared by Douglas & Green (1972).
X-ray structure analysk~ (i) Bis[bis-(rc-cyclopentadienyl)molybdenum(IV)-bis-ctmethanethiolato]nickel(II) tetrafluoroborateC24Ha2MozNiS4(BF4)z, M=872"9, monoclinic, a= 10.15(1), b=18.82(2), c=7"85(1) A, /~=95"0(1) °, Dm=l'916 g cm -3 (by flotation), Z=2, D¢=1-917 g cm -3, systematic extinctions" hOl, h odd, 0k0, k odd, space group P2da, (C~h, No. 14, second setting), +_ (x,y,z; ½+x,½-y,z) were measured and Lorentz and polarization corrections (but no absorption corrections) were applied.In space group P21/a, the two cations must lie about the centres of symmetry with the Ni atom at a centre whilst the anions occupy general positions. From the unsharpened Patterson function the positions cf the Ni (at ½,0,0 and 0,½,0) and the Mo were determined. The other non-hydrogen atoms of the cation were obtained from subsequent Fourier syntheses. After the positions of the atoms of the cation had been improved by one cycle of full-matrix least-squares refinement with isotropic temperature factors and unit weights, a possible location of the anion was found from a difference synthesis as a group of diffuse peaks. Least-squares refinement continued with anisotropic temperature factors for the atoms of the cation and isotropic temperature factors for the anion. The refinement converged at R=0.08, but the temperature factors of the atoms of the anion were unsatisfactory and its geometry was poor. In another difference synthesis, computed with the F atoms excluded from the phasing, there were, in the neighbourhood of the B atom, five peaks, three large in extent but diffuse in positions appropriate for three F atoms and two smaller, sharper and closer together in the region where the fourth F was expected. Clearly the anion was disordered in a fairly complex manner. It was decided that the anion was best represented by a tetrahedral arrangement of F atoms with anisotropic thermal motion even though this was a gross approximation to the real situation. The refinement then proceeded to the convergence of the well A C 30B -3