Benign lymphoepithelial cyst (BLC), also known as branchial cyst, is an infrequent lesion usually occurs in the parotid gland or the lateral cervical area including lymph nodes. It occurs due to the process of lymphocyte-induced cystic ductular dilatation and is always diagnosed postoperatively by histopathological examination (HPE). These dysontogenetic lesions are usually found in the lateral neck but can also be located in the salivary glands, mostly in the parotids. A 35-year-old male reported to Government Dental College, Indore, before 3 years, with a soft, nontender, gradually increasing, compressible diffuse swelling involving the left parotid gland for the last 9–10 months of size 3.5 cm × 2.5 cm × 4.5 cm at the time of presentation with normal Stensen's duct and facial nerve function. ELISA test was negative, biochemistry indicated high protein content of aspirated fluid and magnetic resonance imaging showed hypertense cystic fluid in both T1- and T2-weighted images, suggesting high protein or hemorrhage and negating a solid lesion. Superficial parotidectomy was done with nonincidental healing. HPE of excisional tissue revealed it to be BLC.