Combining air-water equilibrators with a field deployable cavity enhanced laser absorption spectrometer (CELAS) can generate precise, high resolution, measurements of dissolved CO 2 and CH 4 concentrations and d 13 C values in aquatic systems. However, equilibration response times for combined measurements of CO 2 and CH 4 isotopologues have not been assessed. We performed laboratory step experiments on six different equilibrators to constrain CO 2 and CH 4 equilibration time constants (s; high-to-low exponential decay constant). Three equilibrator types were then used in field-based step experiments to determine s for the individual isotopologues 12 CO 2 , 13 CO 2 , 12 CH 4 , and 13 CH 4 . In the laboratory experiments, s ranged from 34-124 s for CO 2 and 117-2041 s for CH 4 among the six equilibrators. The ratio between response times of CO 2 and CH 4 was substantially lower in the membrane type equilibrators (s-CH 4 $5 times > s-CO 2 ) than in the showerhead and marble types (s-CH 4 $15 times > s-CO 2 ). Individual isotopologue time constants under a water flow rate of $5.5 L min 21 ranged from 33.7-43.1 s for 12 CO 2 and 13 CO 2 , and 177-347 s for 12 CH 4 , and 13 CH 4 . The s of CO 2 isotopologues were within 1 s while s of CH 4 isotopologues were the same. Further investigations into water flow rate revealed an exponential decrease in equilibration time from 1.5 L min 21 to 9 L min 21 in a marble-type equilibrator. The response time was always longer from high-to-low than lowto-high concentrations. By taking into consideration the equilibration response time, measurements of CO 2 , CH 4 , d 13 C-CO 2 , and d 13 C-CH 4 can be resolved in near real-time using appropriate water-air equilibration devices.