Cellulose synthase-like proteins in the D family share high levels of sequence identity with the cellulose synthase proteins and also contain the processive -glycosyltransferase motifs conserved among all members of the cellulose synthase superfamily. Consequently, it has been hypothesized that members of the D family function as either cellulose synthases or glycan synthases involved in the formation of matrix polysaccharides. As a prelude to understanding the function of proteins in the D family, we sought to determine where they are located in the cell. A polyclonal antibody against a peptide located at the N-terminus of the Arabidopsis D2 cellulose synthase-like protein was generated and puriWed. After resolving Golgi vesicles from plasma membranes using endomembrane puriWcation techniques including two-phase partitioning and sucrose density gradient centrifugation, we used antibodies against known proteins and marker enzyme assays to characterize the various membrane preparations. The Arabidopsis cellulose synthase-like D2 protein was found mostly in a fraction that was enriched with Golgi membranes. In addition, versions of the Arabidopsis cellulose synthase-like D2 proteins tagged with a green Xuorescent protein was observed to colocalize with a DsRed-tagged Golgi marker protein, the rat alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase. Therefore, we postulate that the majority of Arabidopsis cellulose synthase-like D proteins, under our experimental conditions, are likely located at the Golgi membranes. Furthermore, protease digestion of Golgi-rich vesicles revealed almost complete loss of reaction with the antibodies, even without detergent treatment of the Golgi vesicles. Therefore, the N-terminus of the Arabidopsis cellulose synthase-like D2 protein likely faces the cytosol. Combining this observation with the transmembrane domain predictions, we postulate that the large hydrophilic domain of this protein also faces the cytosol.