Lamellar mesophases of insoluble lipids are readily solubilized
by the micellar mesophases of soluble surfactants. This simple process
underscores a broad array of biochemical methodologies, including
purification, reconstitution, and crystallization of membrane proteins,
as well as the isolation of detergent-resistant membrane fractions.
Although much is now known about the thermodynamic driving forces
of membrane solubilization, the kinetic pathways by which the surfactant
alters vesicular mesophases are only beginning to be appreciated.
Little is known about how these interactions affect the solubilization
of more complex, multilamellar mesophases. Here, we investigate how
a common zwitterionic detergent affects the solubilization of a smectic,
multilamellar, cylindrical mesophase of lipids, called the myelin
figure. Our results reveal that myelin solubilization occurs in a
multistep manner, producing a well-defined sequence of morphologically
distinct intermediates en route to complete solubilization.
The kinetic processes producing these intermediates include (1) coiling,
which encompasses the formation, propagation, and tightening of extended
helices; (2) thinning, which reflects the unbinding of lamellae in
the smectic stacks; and (3) detachment or retraction, which either
dissociates the myelinic protrusion from the source lipid mass or
returns the myelinic protrusion to the source lipid massall
in transit toward complete solubilization. These occasionally overlapping
steps are most pronounced in single-lipid component myelins, while
compositionally graded multicomponent myelins inhibit the coiling
step and detach more frequently. Taken together, the appearance of
these intermediates during the solubilization of myelins suggests
a complex free-energy landscape characterizing myelin solubilization
populated by metastable, morphological intermediates correlated with
locally minimized changes in energy dependent upon the mesophase’s
composition. This then predicts the accessibility of structurally
distinct, kinetic intermediatessuch as loose and tight coiled
helices, peeled myelins, retracted tubes, and detached protrusionsbefore
reaching the stable ground state corresponding to a dissolved suspension
of mixed surfactant–lipid micelles.