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AUTHOR(S)Hamid Ghandehari, Ph.D.
ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 Words)The overall purpose of the project is to use silkelastin-like polymers (SELPs) for the development of controlled gene delivery systems for localized breast cancer gene therapy. The rationale is that by controlling the structure of the polymer, it is possible to control DNA release, duration of transgene expression and the corresponding reduction in tumor size. In year 2 progress was made in the following areas: i) Finished the biosynthesis of three SELP 415K analogs with incremental increase in molecular weight and started on the biosynthesis of SELP 815K, ii) Compared the physicochemical characteristics of hydrogels made from SELP 415K and SELP 47K, iii) Compared the DNA release characteristics of hydrogels made from SELP 415K and SELP 47K and evaluated the interaction of DNA with these polymers. The next logical steps are to finish the biosynthesis of the third analog (815K), conduct characterization and release studies using hydrogels made from this analog and evaluate the delivery systems in murine models of breast cancer as proposed in the application. University of Maryland, Baltimore
INTRODUCTION:The overall purpose of the project is to use silkelastin-like polymers (SELPs) for the development of controlled gene delivery systems for localized breast cancer gene therapy. The rationale is that by controlling the structure of the polymer, it is possible to control DNA release, duration of transgene expression and the corresponding reduction in tumor size. Three Specific Aims were proposed: 1) To synthesize and characterize a series of SELP hydrogels.2) To examine the influence of polymer structure on DNA release in vitro.3) To evaluate the influence of polymer structure on transfection efficiency and therapeutic efficacy in vivo.In year 2 of the project progress was made to partially accomplish Aims 1 and 2. In addition related areas were explored as outlined in the body of this report. Factors that influence hydrogel properties are not only polymeric structure (as proposed in the grant application) but also polymeric molecular weight. The biosynthesis of the additional analogs will allow us to establish the relationship between polymer molecular weight on one hand with hydrogel properties, DNA release, and in vivo transfection efficiency on the other.
1Annual Report (Apr...