The nucleation and growth of barium sulfate in nanoporous
was investigated using in situ small-angle X-ray scattering and X-ray
pair distribution function analysis, together with ex situ transmission
and scanning transmission electron microscopy (TEM and STEM) imaging.
We found that crystalline barite formation in micropores is likely
preceded by a nonbulk barite phase in the nanopores, indicating a
possible nonclassical nucleation pathway for barium sulfate under
confinement. The nucleation of barium sulfate inside the nanopores
stopped at ∼12% of the pores filled and was seemingly limited
by the formation of crystals near the exterior of the silica particles,
which likely blocked subsequent solute transport into the interior
of the nanopores. The growth rate of barium sulfate was fit using
the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami–Kolmogorov equation and
constrained using a growth rate of barite of ∼1.0 × 10–7 mol/m2/s, obtained from previous studies,
but is consistent with TEM and STEM observations made here. The inferred
nucleation rate of barium sulfate inside nanopores is estimated to
be on the order of 1.0 × 109 nuclei/m2/s,
which is 2 orders of magnitude higher than previous measurements on
a planar silica substrate (∼1.0 × 107 nuclei/m2/s). This implies that the ability of silica nanopores to
promote barium sulfate nucleation is sufficiently high as to create
a potentially self-limiting condition, where the nucleation reaction
is shut down prematurely because rapid growth blocks reactant transport.