Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) exhibits as the remarkable two-dimensional (2D) material to host solid-state spins, which has the great potential to be used in quantum information including quantum network. In this application, both the optical and spin properties are curcial for single spins, however, which nevertheless are not discovered simultaneously for hBN spins yet, e.g., the negatively charged boron-vacancy defect can be coherently controlled but is not isolated due to weak optical properties, and single-defect ODMR is detected but not shown to be coherently controllable. Here, we realize an efficient method to array and isolate the single defects of hBN and find a new spin defect. This single defect emits antibunching photons with ultrahigh emission rate reaching 25MHz (corrected) and Debye-Waller factor of 0.8, and possesses the optically-controllable spin (with narrow optically-detected-magnetic-resonance linewidth) indicated by significant Rabi-oscillation and Hahn-echo experiment at room temperature. First principles calculations indicate that complexes of carbon and oxygen dopants may be the origin of the single spin defects. The probability to find optically-detectable spins by our method is 85%, which gets 21-fold enhancement compared to the traditional methods. This provides the possibility to further address the spins that can be optically-controlled, since they only take 10.5% out of the optically-detectable spins.