Research on humans from birth to maturity converges with research on diverse animals to reveal foundational cognitive systems in human and animal minds. The present article focuses on two such systems of geometry. One system represents places in the navigable environment by recording the distance and direction of the navigator from surrounding, extended surfaces. The other system represents objects by detecting the shapes of small-scale forms. These two systems show common signatures across animals, suggesting that they evolved in distant ancestral species. As children master symbolic systems such as maps and language, they come productively to combine representations from the two core systems of geometry in uniquely human ways; these combinations may give rise to abstract geometric intuitions. Studies of the ontogenetic and phylogenetic sources of abstract geometry therefore are illuminating of both human and animal cognition. Research on animals brings simpler model systems and richer empirical methods to bear on the analysis of abstract concepts in human minds. In return, research on humans, relating core cognitive capacities to symbolic abilities, sheds light on the content of representations in animal minds.Keywords: cognitive development; animal cognition; navigation; geometry
CORE COGNITIVE SYSTEMS IN ANIMAL MINDSFor well over 2000 years, studies of higher cognition have focused primarily on capacities that are unique to humans, such as language and geometrical intuitions. Debates about the nature and sources of these capacities continue to the present day, however, and progress in resolving them pales by contrast with the progress achieved in understanding the perceptual capacities that humans share with other animals. This contrast highlights problems faced by attempts to study higher cognition in any species, and it hints at a solution to those problems.The modern study of perception began with research on humans, who experimented on themselves to probe the physical events that evoke conscious experiences of colour, tone or motion. The power of these 'psychophysical experiments' was greatly enhanced, however, by parallel research on animals. Studies of perception in humans and in other animals were mutually illuminating: while human psychophysical findings guided research on animal perceptual systems, animal research shed light on the development and architecture of those systems, using methods of controlled rearing, neurophysiology and (more recently) genetics. Research from evolutionary biology and computer science enriched both sets of insights, by shedding light on the computational problems that visual systems evolved to solve.The study of higher cognition has not experienced the same synergies. Indeed, attempts to use human conscious experience as a guide to animal research often lead to blind alleys, because human intuition is a poor source of insights into animal minds. This failure stems, we suggest, from three prominent differences between perceptual systems, on one hand, and higher cognitive...